Further to the recent announcement that recreational cricket can resume on Saturday 11 July, the ECB has published detailed guidance. The link to the full document is at the foot of the page.
The club has been making preparations for this day and has undertaken a risk assessment. At this stage, we do not think we can reopen the pavilion and bar safely. However, this will not prevent us from playing cricket, providing everyone complies with government and public health advice and follows the ECB guidance.
The good news is that we can play 11 a side cricket in whatever format we choose, though there will be restrictions.
For all participants, including players, officials and ground staff:
1. You must not attend if you have symptoms and/or live with someone who has been exposed or if you have been told to self-isolate by the NHS.
2. There is an increased risk of transmission whilst taking part in a socially distanced group activity and you attend at your own risk.
3. You must observe social distancing and all public health/government advice.
General restrictions apply as follows:
- The pavilion will not be open, except for use of the toilets (one at a time) or emergency first aid.
- You must bring your own hand sanitiser.
- You must bring your own food and drink.
- You must arrive changed and ready to play.
- You must sanitise your hands before play commences and at every break.
During a match:
- Do not share equipment unless it is sanitised between each use.
- You must maintain 2 metres social distancing at all times, except for wicket keepers standing up to the stumps and slip fielders who must maintain 1 metre+
- When batsmen are running between the wickets, they must stay 2 metres away from the pitch, the bowler, fielders and their partner. There are guidelines marked alongside the pitch.
- You must not put sweat or saliva on the ball.
- You must not spit.
- The wicket keeper or fielder should pass the ball directly to the bowler before each delivery. Do not pass it around other fielders.
- A hygiene break will take place every 6 overs or 20 minutes, whichever is sooner, when the ball will be cleaned by the fielding captain and all players must sanitise their hands.
- Batsmen should sanitise their bat and wicket keepers their gloves when leaving the field of play.
- Do not give anything to the umpire e.g. bowlers put your sweater/hat outside the boundary .
- Umpires should not touch the ball. Put it on the ground by the stumps when not in use.
- Do not touch the stumps or bails, only the umpire should do so.
- Sharing the scorebook should be avoided, as should operating the scoreboard.