Little Baddow Cricket Club News story


17 May 2020

The ECB has given permission to use the nets, but subject to specific restrictions. If you do not follow the guidelines, then the club will be forced to close the nets to everyone.


  1. You must not use the nets and should remain at home if you, or any person in your household has symptoms of coronavirus, however mild, or if you are in the ‘extremely vulnerable on health grounds’ category.


  2. You must book in advance and cannot just turn up – see below for the booking procedure.


  3. No more than 2 people can take part in each session (unless you are from the same household).


  4. The nets can only be used by club members, you must not invite anyone who is not a club member.


  5. You must always observe social distancing (unless you are from the same household).


  6. No sharing of equipment. In particular, you must use your own ball (if you don’t have one, the club will provide you with one at your first session and you must take it away with you afterwards).


  7. Do not use saliva or sweat on the cricket ball.


  8. Wash your hands thoroughly before you leave home and immediately you get home after each session. Do not touch your face. It is recommended that you bring hand sanitiser with you.


  9. You must not go into the pavilion, except to use the toilet facilities or to access the first aid box. If you do need to use the toilet, use the ladies toilet, where soap and paper towels are available.


  10. Please bring your own supply of drinking water.


Booking procedure

The club must have a representative on site when the nets are in use. A committee member (not participating) will be present for each session and will unlock the nets and, if required, the pavilion.

To book, please email or text Paul Jackson (  07912 871403) and say when you would like to use the nets and who you will be with.

Paul will establish the availability of a committee member and if one is available, create an entry for your session in the Fixtures section of the club website under ‘Outdoor nets 2020’. Please confirm your availability through the website in the normal way. If you subsequently need to cancel, you must advise Paul by email or text and anyone failing to arrive for a booked session without having done so will not be permitted to book again.

Sessions will start on the hour and will last for 50 minutes as there is a requirement for 10 minutes between sessions. You must leave immediately your allocated session has finished.

If you arrive early for your session, please either remain in your car, or on the field away from the pavilion and the nets.